PUT it to the test

You’ve spent the time and money, training and investing in every aspect of your competition prep. Why not put it all to the test in a Mock Pageant by MISS Academy. We will re-create every aspect of competition night, without the pressure of a prying audience. So you can strut your stuff in confidence and get individual feedback to perfect your pageant presence before the big night arrives!


Jeff Smith
Modeling Agent


Sharron Melton
CW39 TV Host


Diana Burgos
Beauty Expert


Dohn Dye
Fashion Stylist




  • Styling – is your outfit trendy and fashion forward while still serving to highlight your best features in this round of competition.
  • Answer and delivery skills – the content of your response to the question; how you phrase your answers; the confidence and attention to diction in your delivery.
  • Non-verbal communication – what your posture and body language say while the questions are being asked; what you communicate with your hands or facial expressions in your response.


  • Fitness level & attire – your level of fitness and choice of attire to compliment that; whether you’re showing up your assets and downplaying your flaws.
  • Energy – what your walk says about you; what we notice about you as you enter the room and walk the stage.
  • Showmanship – how you communicate with your audience; how you own your full package and portray that to the panel while keeping it graceful.


  • Evening Gown Attire – your choice of gown; is it fashion forward and does it say 21st century diva; whether the garment fits you right both physically for your body type and personality-wise.
  • Walk – your ability to strut down the runway confidently and gracefully while still selling the garment.
  • Presence – your poise and energy; whether your command our attention while on stage; whether you are wearing the gown or it is wearing you. 


  • At an additional cost, you will have the ability to be assessed on another aspect of competition that is not included in the core Mock Pageant package. This can be your talent, your non-competition wardrobe or any other phase of your pageant competition.
  • Choose ahead of time, which additional category you’d like to include in your Mock Pageant and come prepared to show off your uniqueness. Let us sing your praises and give you constructive criticism to help you your the best on competition day!

Attending a MISS Mock Pageant can make the difference between competition day jitters and coronation day calm! Let us help you make the most of your preparation!


You should arrive in all black, with your various competition garments in an enclosed garment bag, properly labelled.

No. Your allotted time slot is for you and you only. Only the panelists will be present along with the Mock Pageant Director. No one else will be able to see your competition garments or observe your performance.

No. We have a strict closed room policy and ask family and friends to respect this so you get the most out of your Mock Pageant experience.

Your results and feedback will be given to you immediately, in person from the panelists sitting before you.

No. This is a live, in-person event and we do not take any photographs or make any recordings, primarily for your confidentiality going into your respective competition.